Wednesday, May 21, 2008

How Does Your (Herb) Garden Grow

In other homesteading news my organic herbs arrived today from Mulberry Creek Farms. I love them because they have so many varieties of herbs, but I think next year I will try to buy from my local farmer's market instead. I've noticed some great options each time I go, but I've had to hold off on buying b/c I had already ordered with MCF. Next year, I'll go local and cut down on the fossil fuels and packaging (plus MCF does take a while to ship when they are busy in the spring- I ordered about a month ago and they just got here).

Anyway, because we joined the CSA for the summer, and the CSA has alot of tomatoes and cukes (what I usually grow), I've decided to focus most of my growing space (which is not much- our neighborhood has wonderful century-old trees that keep our yard in partial shade) on herbs.

I already had two kinds of rosemary that just keeps on growing and growing, as well as mexican oregano that grows like crazy. Added to that I locally bought peppermint and spearmint, and am trying chocolate mint from MCF as well (for brownies, ice cream, tea, coffee). The mint is the spread out because it grows anywhere, and can deal with the partial shade, and os I can try to harvest seeds that wont have hybridized mint flavors. In the sunny patch of garden, I have lots of pesto basil (mammoth and genovese), lime basil (for chicken, salads, fruits, etc), purple ruffles basil (more for looks), and cinnamon basil (again for fruits, salads, desserts?). There's cilantro (also makes coriander), and a compact dill. A small bit of chives that lasted the winter, and two stevia plants, which I plan to experiment with as a non-caloric sweetener. All in all 12 plants in the ground today- hoping that I can use these herbs in combo with the CSA stuff to make some good summer meals!

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