Saturday, June 7, 2008


Our dairy forgot to drop off our cheese order, and the farmer's market was days away, so I went looking for some local cheese. On my way home from work, I stopped at Cowgirl Creamery, a place that looks way too hip for me, but is rumored to have excellent artisan cheese. I passed the front checkout area with its coolers and shelves of drinks, cheese accompaniments, and prepared sandwiches, and headed back to the counter identifiable as the cheese counter by the large hunks of cheese on pedestals (and the giant sign saying "cheese"). I was a little disappointed when the chef-jacketed cheeseman behind the counter explained that their local cheese options are a little limited (or more so than I expected), but they do have enough. I walked out with some creamy, local cheddar (I know the cheese snobs are thinking: boring. But we have a toddler! And I'm not as adventurous as I could be with my cheese choices). Anyway, it's on the higher end of price: I wouldn't say overpriced for gourmet cheese, but a bit pricey for our weekly shopping. I really like cheese but am not enough of a connoisseur that I appreciate all the nuance.

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